Saturday, February 13, 2010

6 Tips for Arranging Your Seating Chart

One of the most stressful tasks for the bride and groom to complete for their wedding day is the seating chart for the reception. Placing the wrong people next to each other for several hours, especially when alcohol may be served, could be potentially disastrous. If you are having problems coming up with a solution for where to stick various friends and family members, then the six tips listed below can help you devise the perfect plan of action for your seating chart.

1. Place People With Like Interests Together
If you have individuals who have never met each other that must sit together, at least make sure that they share many of the same interests. Chances are that even though they have not previously met, as long as they have some common thing to talk about, the mood at the table will not be tense or hostile. This allows guests to get to know new people in a less stressful manner.

2. Older Guests Should Be Farthest From the Noise
Weddings can be loud affairs. Speakers can blast music at a level that would be very uncomfortable for older guests. Older individuals should be seated as far away from extensive noise as possible. This includes seating them at a fair distance from the dance floor and children’s tables as well. Loud noise could be especially troublesome to those who have hearing aids in as well.

3. Do Not Seat Feuding Family Members near Each Other
There are always family members or friends at wedding events who are feuding for one reason or another. The key is for the bride and groom to avoid seating those individuals next to each other in the seating chart. The percent of people who will not get along at a wedding is relatively low, so it should be possible to place the guests on opposite ends of the room to keep them from coming into contact with one another.

4. Make Sure Guests Know Others at Their Table
While it is okay to sit guests at tables with some members that they do not know, you should make sure that each guest knows at least one other person at their table. It can be very uncomfortable to be seated at a table where you do not know anyone else and there is no one that you have anything in common with.

5. Those with Special Roles Should be Seated Up Front
If you have guests who will be giving speeches or who will be putting on a special performance, then these individuals should be seated up front and near the dance floor or stage. This makes things much more convenient for them and cuts down on the time they spend fighting their way back and forth through the crowd.

6. Only Close Friends and Wedding Party at Head Table
Only close friends who are in the wedding party and family members should be seated at the head table. While it can be hard to make the decision of who sits at the table with the bride and groom, allowing anyone but the wedding party and close family members may insult others around you.

Creating a seating chart can seem much like rocket science at times. Knowing where to sit each guest does not come naturally to most couples. The six tips above can help you place each guest in a location that will be convenient and comfortable for them.